MC Lederbären Berlin (Logo)Portrait

Here you will get some information about the Lederbaeren ...

Group Group
who we were
what we did
who we were
MCLB History
how the Lederbaeren were founded

MotorradThe Group - who the Lederbaeren were

MotorradAs the name already says, it is a group of gay bikers in (not only) leather, who like to ride motorcycle. One-day excursions starting in Berlin (Germany) might be a ride to a castle or everywhere else. The MCLB is a club, not an association , therefore there are no club evenings, you cannot get a member, but you may ride with us. Besides the regular rides there are special events from time to time such as an grill party or a coffee afternoon or even a weekend tour (see schedule). 

The MCLB is not a club of bears - the bear in the name comes from the heraldic animal of the city of Berlin. Choppers, touring bikes as well as sportsters, all kinds of bikes rangig from MZ to Harley can be found and the men are mixed as colourful as their machines.

LederflaggeRiding motorcycle does not necessarily mean leather, however many of the Lederbaeren like leather.

Everyone was welcome to join us, regardless whether he comes regularly or occasionally only.

Activities - what the Lederbaeren do

Certainly, the activities focus on riding motorcycle:

  Day Trips in the surroundings of Berlins (see Dates).
The yearly Easter Tour for the Berlin Easter Leather Meeting was the highlight (Report of the Easter Tour 2001).
Inseltour Weekend Tours had become a fixed part of the activities. The Harz, the Ostsee, Thueringen and Saxonia were destinations in the past years. See the reports:

Occasionally, a barbecue evening, coffee talk or other meetings took place.

Members - who the Lederbaeren were

You will find many of the members in the Gayromeo-Club: MCLederbaerenBerlin 

History - how the Lederbaeren were founded

D In the German pages, you will find some historical facts about the Lederbaeren.

As the pages address to bikers joining us in our regular tours, the people in the Berlin area are normally German, so most pages are written in German only. But foreigners are welcome as well !

  ^Top of page © MCLB DEUTSCH / GERMAN   DATES->
Last update of this page: 03.11.2017